Tuesday, May 24, 2022

along came a spider

that sat down bee cider.

I think it's important to document when things are.. ok.. I say that tentatively. 

Things have been decidedly ok lately. I feel less like I am struggling less and things are getting easier for me to do. Is this another hump in the cycle? Probably. But for now, I am enjoying it. 

I'm not going to list my accomplishments on this one. I think always trying to document positive changes in my life is .. bad for me. I should stop thinking about it as a change as start thinking of it as how it is now you know? I always say stuff like "I am working out! I am taking my vitamins!" as if it's some sort of accomplishment. It kind of is but.. is that all ya got? Idk. I should practice trumpet more.  I've neglected it for about a week. It's tough to get an embouchure .. did I spell that right on the first try? I did. Nice. 

Work work work. Work work work. Work work work. Go out side for a bit.


     I feel like things have finally been going well.  These days I don't feel as lost as I used to. I wake up each day and I look at my...