I guess sometimes I just need to get thoughts from grey matter to paper.. or computer screen in this case. From synapse to transistor. I can't remember anything so I guess writing it down will help me organize things and hopefully get a better handle on my life and well-being.
It's about 2 in the morning right now and I should be asleep. I've got to meet some people from Cummins Diesel tomorrow morning to work on the
Heavy Duty RAM truuuuck that's currently sitting on Rolls #6 at SHAP. I should give a fuck about this because I'm paid to do so. That's what it's all about, at the end of the day. It's all about the
pay. Getting fuckin' PAID bro. It's all about the pay to get the stuff. Get the nice food from that restaurant down the street. Make sure you have a roof over your head. Make sure it's a nicer roof than that other guy's roof.. Make sure you're comfortable. Make sure those depending upon you are comfortable. Make sure you're prepared for the future. Gotta have at least six months saved up. At least that's what my friends say. What if you lose your job? What if you should
die? Well, you can't spend all your time thinking about
that harsh inevitability or else you're liable to just go crazy and buy a bullet and rent a gun to nip that prolonged suffering in the metaphorical bud.. but that's probably a little dramatic.
Fuck off with the
pay complaints. Everybody knows having to work for pay sucks but everybody still does it because that's just the way it is so you might as well accept it.
Who am I arguing with?
You're struggling with your own [ super different and unique ] sense of self (ego). You're struggling with the idea of being egoistic and selfish. You're struggling because you hate the idea of considering yourself important because you don't think you are? No that's not right. You think you're very important and you hate that about yourself because you don't think other people should think they're important. That's it. Basically you want to hold onto the idea of nihilism because it's
o h s o c o o l but you can't do it in a healthy way. Because even though you've told yourself for so long that nihilism is comforting, that believing "nothing is inherently valuable" or that "nothing really matters (to meeee) so why care about anything?" are the right ways of thinking, you've blocked yourself from experiencing the true
beauty of life.
What's so fucking beautiful about it?
I was born. My dad fucked my mom and out I popped. Was I an accident? Dad says no, but why would you tell the truth if the opposite is true. So that's moot. I mean I guess I'm definitely fortunate. I was the sperm that made it. I was the one that got turned into a lump of stuff that eventually became a baby. Is that beautiful? I was born in the USA as a healthy white male with (relatively little) mental illness (undiagnosed lol shut the fuck up dude). Is that beautiful? I've spent the last 20 years or so of my life being obsessed with music and trying so hard to improve myself in that respect. Is that beautiful? One could say it was a waste of time and effort. Is the music I create at least beautiful? Eh.
I'm lucky yeah. I'm a statistical anomaly, yes. Beautiful? Maybe.
I guess I just don't know what beauty is.
Why are you so obsessed with beauty?
Maybe that's actually the point of life you're struggling to define? Trying to create beauty in an already beautiful world. I guess beauty is order in chaos right? That's what humans like. Order. We love our little boxes. We like our predefined drink menu choices at the Jamba Juice. We get uncomfortable at the thought of too many choices.. I mean look at Netflix. I can browse and browse and finish eating before I settle on something to watch. It's chaos. Now genres.. that's a little better. A little more order. A little less chaos. Suggested videos? Even better. Much less chaos. The old illusion of choice.... what was I talking about again?
I got the idea to start writing this while sitting alone in the dark at a Holiday Inn Express on 15 Mile in Detroit. I've been home a few days in the past couple months. I'm getting really tired of this job. I had a bunch of words floating around in my head like "bullshit", "hate", "not worth it", "assholes". Lots of bad stuff. Lots of anger. I'm hoping for this writing experience to be more than just venting frustrations onto a blank canvas and so far it has been. But what am I expecting to get out of it?
Oh yeah. Thoughts onto paper. Great. Now I've got a bunch of random thoughts on paper. Should I organize it now?