Tuesday, June 16, 2020

it's all good

It's all fine. No worries.
I'm going to head back to work soon.
I'm going to start going back to the gym soon.
I'm going to appreciate my life soon.
I'm going to clean up my apartment soon.
I'm going to meet a nice girl soon.
I'm going to go travel the country more soon.
I'm going to get a house soon.
I'm going to get married soon.
I'm going to have kids soon.
I'm going to make an album soon.
I'm going to learn how to make stuff with leather soon.
I'm going to appreciate my life soon.
I'm going to become a more competent programmer soon.
I'm going to learn how to fish soon.
I'm going to be more stylish soon.
I'm going to lose weight soon.
I'm going to be better soon.
I'm going to appreciate my life soon.
I'm going to get a cool car soon.
I'm going to be successful soon.
I'm going to be more outgoing soon.
I'm going to appreciate my life soon.
I'm going to appreciate my family soon.
I'm going to visit my grandmother soon.
I'm going to appreciate my life soon.


     I feel like things have finally been going well.  These days I don't feel as lost as I used to. I wake up each day and I look at my...